Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm 9 Now

*****Turned 9 In November*****

Q: Do you like being 9 years old?
A: No, because I will be in P4 and I have to do more difficult things.

Q: How old do you wish to be always?

A: 6 because I was primary one at that time. Everything was so easy!

Q: Do you think you are a big boy now?

A: Yes. I can do more things by myself.
But this is not always good. I'm expected to do more and more things on my own :-(

Q: What's one thing you wish to do in your ninth year?

A: Play and play and play computer games!

Q: If you were the Birthday Fairy, what nice thing would you do for Jedd?

A: Homeschool Jedd.

Q: What did you do for your birthday?

A: Had friends over at my house, went to eat spagetti (yay!),
played computer games like mad and went for a musical concert.

Q: Name one very special thing about your 9th birthday.

A: I got a new camera from daddy and the camera's name is Camel, because that's how I pronounce 'camera'.

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