Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bird Rescue!

Helping A Spotted Dove

It was a really WINDY day.

Mum went out to buy some food and saw a young bird in the grass patch with tall trees. It could not fly and was helpless. She rushed home to get a box and I went with her to rescue the bird.

We guessed that the young bird fell from its nest. Mum said it probably had not learnt to fly yet. She was worried that the cats would get the bird.

We called SPCA after taking the bird home. As we were going off on holiday and could not care for the bird till it could fly, SPCA told us to bring the bird in.

We went to SPCA in a cab. The cab driver thought we were nuts to rescue a bird.

SPCA said if the bird was well, it would care for it till it could fly. But if it was badly hurt, it might have to be put down.

We thought the bird did not look injured and hope it would fly one day.

That was an interesting day. After that, we went to look at the dogs and play with the cats at SPCA.

By the way, mum said that this was the kind of spotted dove her mother (my grandma who died when I was 3 months old) had as a pet. It made nice cooing sounds, she said.

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