Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Identity Revealed

I'm A Shark.....Or Not

Unlike humans, sharks have rows of teeth. And since my permanent teeth kept erupting behind my baby teeth before they fell out, I'm a SHARK!

But no more soon.

The school dental nurse discovered my identity. She sent me to the National Dental Centre to get my teeth issues ironed out.

The dentist there sent me for an X-ray of my teeth.

They put me in a protective apron while they took the X-ray.

I could see the rest of my permanent teeth and they are sitting right under by baby teeth. So they should be coming out fine, mum said.

Meanwhile, the dentist is trying to get the rest of my teeth that have erupted pushed out and aligned.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Giant Bean Pod!

Yes! My Bean Plant's Got A Pod!

My first bean plant grown from the kidney bean that my science teacher gave me died because of a plant disease.

But Joy was very nice to give me two kidney beans, and mum and I grew them. We left them in our old house when we moved and thought they would die, but they survived a week without watering! Mum quickly brought them to our new place and they really flourished. We've got flowers and yes, a giant pod on one of them!

Our neighbour who helps us water the plants (we call her auntie) keeps asking mum if the bean can be eaten.

By the way, the grasshoppers love eating the bean leaves. We caught one, Elvis, but released it. Elvis was quite a big grasshopper. After Elvis, we caught another smaller grasshopper on our bean plant. Its name is Pelvis and it's our pet now. Will post pictures of Pelvis soon. There is a third grasshopper. We named it Melvis but it has not been captured yet.

Another of My Drumming Video

I was playing "For All You've Done" from Hillsongs. Video taken by my drum teacher, James.

You Can Also See it on YouTube!