Thursday, August 20, 2009

Honey Or No Honey?

We Found A Bee Hive!

Mum and I found a bee hive on a roadside tree right in front of the gate at our home. Mum called Nparks to remove the hive as she was worried the bees would sting people, especially children. I felt quite anxious. I don't like bees. The bee hive removal was quite lame. Two guys came. They were covered up except their faces and necks. One of the guys fixed a can on a pole and pushed the smoking can up to the hive.

Immediately, some bees flew towards the two guys and started attacking them. One got stung on the ear and neck. A bee seemed to have got into the clothes of the other guy because he asked his friend to smack his back all over. Why didn't they cover their faces?

The bees started flying off the hive. Mum and I were watching from our home, and she quickly closed the windows. Good thing, because one bee smacked against the window.

After a while, the guys just knocked the hive off the tree and went off, leaving it on the ground. There's honey in the comb.

I have many questions.

Don't they have to remove the hive? Will the bees return to the hive?
Where did the bees fly off to? When bees have no hive, where do they go?
What happened to queen bee? Did she die? If not, where would she go?
If we keep removing bee hives, won't there be no more bees?
It was really interesting. That's why mum let me stop my exam revision and watch the bee hive removal process.
If you are a bee expert and have the answers to my questions, do let me know!

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