Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The World's Largest Moth

Meet the Atlas Moth

We spotted two separate Atlas moths on different occasions in the carpark at our old house.

One was on daddy's car! The other (below) was on a wall. It was amazing because it is so big!

The moth is said to be the largest moth in the world. It originates in Indonesia.

It is called the Atlas moth because of the map-like patterns on its wings. It lives for about 2 weeks and is nocturnal. The Atlas moth lays its eggs on the Sea Poison Tree.
(research by mum, haha!)

I felt really fortunate to be able see the moth close up!

****** Question: How do you tell the difference between a moth and a butterfly? ******

My mum's friend who is a science teacher says it is incorrect to think that all moths spread out their wings whereas butterflies fold their wings. She says that moths have feathery antennae whereas butterflies don't.

Mum says there are often exceptions in nature, just like English grammar! God is unpredictable....

Monday, August 24, 2009

Me an angel? Sure!

I've Been Good, Mum. Serious.

Look, I'm really an angel!

Never mind the knife.

It's actually very easy to get a halo. Just pray that a light tube spoils and there you have it.

Thanks, daddy, for holding up my "halo" :-)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Honey Or No Honey?

We Found A Bee Hive!

Mum and I found a bee hive on a roadside tree right in front of the gate at our home. Mum called Nparks to remove the hive as she was worried the bees would sting people, especially children. I felt quite anxious. I don't like bees. The bee hive removal was quite lame. Two guys came. They were covered up except their faces and necks. One of the guys fixed a can on a pole and pushed the smoking can up to the hive.

Immediately, some bees flew towards the two guys and started attacking them. One got stung on the ear and neck. A bee seemed to have got into the clothes of the other guy because he asked his friend to smack his back all over. Why didn't they cover their faces?

The bees started flying off the hive. Mum and I were watching from our home, and she quickly closed the windows. Good thing, because one bee smacked against the window.

After a while, the guys just knocked the hive off the tree and went off, leaving it on the ground. There's honey in the comb.

I have many questions.

Don't they have to remove the hive? Will the bees return to the hive?
Where did the bees fly off to? When bees have no hive, where do they go?
What happened to queen bee? Did she die? If not, where would she go?
If we keep removing bee hives, won't there be no more bees?
It was really interesting. That's why mum let me stop my exam revision and watch the bee hive removal process.
If you are a bee expert and have the answers to my questions, do let me know!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

King of Fruit??????????

DURIAN! (eeeek!)
Yuks! It's very bad. I'm not sure whether if it even tastes nice but I won't try it. I don't dare to because it is so spiky. The smell is TERRIBLE!!!
But mum loves it and dad bought this cat mountain durian for her.

Gong Gong

My Gong Gong & I
This is my gong gong.

He has been trying to carry me and get me to kiss him since I was a baby.

Mum says I'm selective and only allow certain people to carry me. Consider yourself privileged if you have ever carried me!!

As for a kiss.......fat hope! :-)

p.s. DON'T pat my head. Don't blame me if I smack you :-(

Beach Fun!

Having A Blast With My Friends

I wish I could meet my pals, especially Isaiah, more often. We went to Changi Beach during the June holidays and played in the sea. It's always so fun playing with them! Looking forward to the next school holidays to play with them again :-)

Bye, Carpark Cat!

She Rules The Carpark

This is the cat who lives in the carpark at our previous home.

She likes to sleep at one particular carpark lot. She will sleep on the roof or bonnet of any car parked there. Daddy parked his car there once. She slept on it and while walking down, left her paw prints on the windscreen.

Most of the residents are kind to her. Someone adopted her as well, but she is left free to roam the carpark.

Once, mum saw her climb a coconut tree.
We miss the cat though we have other cats in our new neighbourhood.


My Latest Craze
(besides yo-yo)

They flick open when you put them on a magnetic surface. You can use the magnetic playcards. I put them on mum's fridge, too (don't think she likes them there...)

My school does not allow us to bring them. At one stage, the discipline master was going around - as we like to say it -confiscating balls (hee, heee, heee).
I don't bring them to school. I had to pay for some of them myself!
But I have put them in my pocket when I go out with my parents :-)

Tiger & Pig Fight

Who Won?

Tiger and Mr Lam, SNORT's spokesperson, fought. Of course, I had a part in making them fight :-), and I took pictures and video-taped them.

Guess who the winner was? Find out at Mr Wincy Lam's facebook account.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Learn To Fly - Drumming Video

I Love Drumming!
Here's the video my drum teacher put on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkW-y95iOAQ). I was playing Learn To Fly :-)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My New Drumset

Yes! I'm on the adult drumset now!

My parents deliberated over the new set when my teacher said I should move on. I got the red one that I like.

It's a Mapex drumset. The sound is so much better.
Love it!

And I got a drumming room now :-)

Green Gold Tip


The gold tip was hard to get! Took me quite a while. I'm training at another dojo now but under the same instructors. Looking forward to the next belt!

Furry Friends Near Us

Kitties & Rabbits
(For Auntie Yin)
Mum says it's hard for you to find cats where you are.

We've got lots of cats at the alley near our new house. The old lady who feeds them tells us stories about them.

Two rabbits living a few houses down play with the cats. Mum thought she was seeing things when she saw a rabbit and a cat sleeping side by side. The old lady says the cats and the rabbits love to play together. Once, one of the cats fought with one of the rabbits. The rabbit won.

The brown scrawny cat is a fussy eater. It picks out the fish in the food given and refuses to eat the rest. It will then wait for the old lady to give it more fish because she can't bear to see it hungry.

Then there is this cat who snuggles in the drain hole every day. You can see its paws and if you peer in, you see it.

Here's one of the bunnies. It doesn't eat the cats' food. It just comes out to play with them and the old lady says they have a ball of a time together. Very strange.

*Pictures taken by Jedd. Please ask for permission before using.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Drum Practice on You Tube

Learn To Fly
-played by me!-

You can see my drum practice on You Tube put up by my teacher. Cut & paste this link:
