Thursday, August 21, 2008

Awesome Creepy Crawlies

Amazing Encounters
at the Butterfly & Insect Kingdom in Sentosa
We got so close to the friendly butterflies! In the picture below which mum took, you can even see the curled up proboscis of the buttlerfly!
The place had a really fantastic collection of insect specimens. There were all sorts of butterflies, some with metallic coloured wings and even transparent wings!

Look, this brown butterfly had "eyes" on its wings to trick predators.
Spot the butterfly on this branch of leaves. How cleverly camouflaged the butterfly was!

Now this isn't a butterfly at all. It is a jungle grasshopper. Can you beat that?!

Mum loved the collection of beetles. Some were really cute like the ones that look like they were wearing warrior masks (man face beetles). There were champions among them, like the World's Largest Rhino Beetle below. It was really, really eye-opening.

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