Sunday, August 31, 2008

Beanie's Pretty Flowers

My Bean Plant Blooms

Wow! Will I get beans soon? I hope so! Exciting!

Green Belt Now!

Whoo Hoo!
The grading was quite difficult but whew! I got my green belt!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Beanie Reaches For The Sky!

Remember the bean from my science teacher?
It has grown!

Yep, that's beanie, from that tiny seedling!

It is scaling the window grills and has gotten right to the top. Wonder where it will head next because it has touched the balcony ceiling.

Beanie is matured now because it is starting to bear flowers.

Y a y!

Friday, August 22, 2008

"Assistant Bird Trainer"

Now This Is Cool...

helping the bird trainer during the bird show

A Sad Bird Story

Luckily, It's A Happy Ending....

Notice anything strange about this bird here?

Macaws have long colourful tails. But she doesn't.

We were told that Polly's previous owner did not know how to care for her properly. Bored, she developed a bad habit of pulling out her own feathers.

When she was first found, she was in a sorry state apparently, with flesh showing. With good carers, she has grown her feathers back.

But when mum and I saw her, she was still a loner. Sat on her own. Poor bird.

Don't take exotic animals and keep them as pets if you don't know how to care for them.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Awesome Creepy Crawlies

Amazing Encounters
at the Butterfly & Insect Kingdom in Sentosa
We got so close to the friendly butterflies! In the picture below which mum took, you can even see the curled up proboscis of the buttlerfly!
The place had a really fantastic collection of insect specimens. There were all sorts of butterflies, some with metallic coloured wings and even transparent wings!

Look, this brown butterfly had "eyes" on its wings to trick predators.
Spot the butterfly on this branch of leaves. How cleverly camouflaged the butterfly was!

Now this isn't a butterfly at all. It is a jungle grasshopper. Can you beat that?!

Mum loved the collection of beetles. Some were really cute like the ones that look like they were wearing warrior masks (man face beetles). There were champions among them, like the World's Largest Rhino Beetle below. It was really, really eye-opening.

Magic! Look At My Flowers!

At First, They Were WHITE.... A little science experiement reveals the magic here. My white flowers became these colours because we "dyed" them. Fun!

Meet My Bionicles

Bionicles Rule!!!

Mum had a huge headache taking the "class photo" of my bionicles....couldn't fit everyone in. Anyway, see the close-ups of some of them at the side bar on this blog.
Fast Facts
Who Ignited My Interest : Ivan who introduced me to Bionicle
Who Actually Started My Collection : Uncle Yun Seong - first Bionicle from him
My First Bionicle : Vahki Bordah
Current Favourite : Nupuru
No. of Bionicles in my collection : About 31 (lost count.....)

Overnight Camp At Underwater World

A Night With The Marine Creatures

Better late than never.

This is when my daddy and I went to the Underwater World for the sleepover camp during the June school break.

It was loads of fun! Here's how I rate it:

Fun factor : 10/10

Food : 9/10 (veggies ran out too quickly!)

Educational factor : 7/10

Sleep comfort : 10/10 (I love the shark above me)

Overall rating: 8/10

Everybody had a "fish attendant" - there's a fish beside us which did not move while we slept! I saw shark eggs, too! Here's another highlight:

Up close and personal with the pink dolphin! Wow!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Jedd's Beanstalk

My Bean Plant Is Growing And Growing....

My science teacher gave me this kidney bean to grow.

Look how it grew!

After breaking out of the seed coat, the first leaves emerged. Gradually, the cotyledons shrivelled when the leaves started making food.

I was supposed to bring it back to class but my mum forgot to pass me the container when I left for school. We are so glad we forgot. All my friends' plants in school died. My beanie plant at home is thriving! Watch this space for how it is doing!