Friday, February 29, 2008

Kangeroos Are Very Happy Today

Do You Know Why?
ans: Because it's the LEAP year! :-)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My New Look

I Wear Glasses Now

Really. I'm short-sighted now.

What do you think of my new look?

Aikido Grading


Yea! Got my orange belt!

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

Inspirations From Terminal 3

Materials needed: Brochure, sticker

Croc Hunter

How To Capture A Crocodile
I went to Sungei Buloh to see if I can spot crocs. Only saw birds.

But no worries, here's how you can capture a croc.

1. Remember to cover the croc's eyes.

2. Tape its mouth up.

3. Sit on it.


I have the power to become another being!

You can, too. All you need is a bicycle helmet.

Lost My Front Tooth

The $25 Milk Tooth!

Fact File

Started becoming shaky: Before SA2 in 2007.

Finally got out : Dec 07

This is the : 3rd milk tooth to be out. Yep, that's all I've lost so far.

Why it cost $25 : It just won't come out, no matter how much I shook it. Had to go to the dentist because the permanent tooth was coming out.

It isn't so bad because: The first two milk teeth weren't even shaky. The permanent teeth just grew out behind them. Heheheh, I'm a SHARK!!!